Thursday, September 02, 2004

Surprising and interesting classes!

At the very beginning of the first sentence in the first posting of my journal, I have to admit that I was extremely excited when knowing who's my teacher for sure on Tuesday. After listening to some classes for three days, I felt very excited and following are some interesting points I found in class.
First, I'm impressed with the first English class. Teacher Alice clearly listed things students need to have for English class on the blackboard; but in addition to these materials, heart and mind was especially emphasized. Yes! The attitude is the most important factor in learning English. It recalled me how I became interested in English many years ago and I could tell that some students felt excited about their fresh-new high school life.
Second, many group discussions were held, which helped to develop the ability of critical thinking, effective notetaking and group cooperation. Students were also asked to sign a contract of three goals they hope to achieve in English this semester, the strategies they plan to use. The contract reminded them to be responsible for themselves. Personally, I favor this activity because these skills are important not only to academic subjects at school, but also to the development of their personality and characteristics.
Third, the self check form reveals another important topic they have to learn in high school - time management. It's impossible for someone to work and study effectively without good time management. To be honest, that's something I have to learn as a teacher. I found that I've been always busy and running out of time since I came to be a student teacher in July. :(
Fourth, the warm-up games played in the beginning of classes were interesting. Most important, they were relevant to the topic Teacher Alice wanted to introduce in that class. Therefore, I think I have to consider what the main idea I want to express to students whenever I design some games or activities later.
Finally, I was surprised to see how Alice examine students' understanding of new words by using powerpoint. It's more interesting, but I found it's more competitive as well though the teacher kept saying that it's not a competition. I have to admit that when Singing came to me after class and cried because she couldn't answer as quickly as others, I was shocked. I tried to comfort her, however, I had no idea whether I did it right or wrong.
By the way, I finally figured out why no one asked me questions after my self-introduction in the first class. I SPEAK TOO FAST! Students hoped Teacher Alice could speak slowly, therefore, I HAVE TO remind myself to slow my speaking rate! If I found that no one understand what I speak in class, I'd definitely feel frustrated.
I have to admit that I'm still nervous and hard to believe that I AM a teacher now! I have so many things to learn and I know that it would definitely be stressful and bothering to teach a "student-teacher" in addition to students! Thank you very much and nice to meet both of you!


Blogger Rainbow said...

Dear Hedy,
I see you've realized how lucky you are to have Alice as your mentor. This is surely going to be a fruitful year for you.

You know what, students' faces will tell you whether they understand you or not. Remember, these students just got out of junior high; they are not our classmates or colleagues. We not only have to adjust speed, but also the vocabulary we use, when we speak to them. One more tip: body language & facial expression always help.

September 3, 2004 at 6:48 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

Dear Hedy,

Thanks for organizing the things we have done in class. It was a week full of brainstorming and preparation between me and Rainbow. What you saw in class was mostly based on our discussions and collaboration (such as PowerPoint presentation). The process is tiring, but the fruit is great. We hope you and Yu-ming can also experience beneficial collegiality during this school year.

It's normal to be nervous. I was a bit anxious the night before my first class. It's just that I tried my best not to show it at all. And most of all, I became more confident and assertive with all the preparations. I think this applies to many things we deal with. So, relax and be well-prepared, and then you'll enjoy this year even more.

September 4, 2004 at 5:08 PM  
Blogger Hedy said...

Dear Alice and Rainbow,
Thank you for the comments! I'll keep that in mind and "try to" remeber to do that in my teaching. I think Yu-ming feels as lucky as I am coz we are really excited to have to two as our instructors!

September 5, 2004 at 7:17 AM  

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