Sunday, September 12, 2004

Class management-The week after orientation (9/6-9/10)

This week was the second week of school, that is to say, "official orientation" was finished and students should get more used to the environment.

According to what I observed in our class, they definitely did!
First, Alice interviewed more than ten students individually during this week. I realized that Alice took a nice and friendly attitude, which was like a firend or sister but not teacher, toward students when talking to them. Students seemed to feel relaxed and were willing to express their ideas. To be honest, I've been considering what attitude I should take since becoming a student-teacher in July. Because when dealing with the "sanitary issue" such as garbage cleaning, floor sweeping during summer vacation, students tended to lazy and ignore their responsibility if they found the teacher who took charge of them was not strong and tough enough. But I also know that high students want teachers can be their friends (that was what I want in high school too), therefore, how to make balance between the two attitude has been a delimma for me and I haven't got the answer :(

As I mentioned, the official orientation was finished and students got more familiar with each other. However, they started to talk in the morning session after 7:30, forgot to do the cleaning job and some violated the school regulation of apperance. Alice took a democratic attitude to inform them that in the class meeting, and I'll keep an eye on them thogh I wouldn't take action because I think it's another important issue they have to learn in high school - to be responsible for themselves!

Besides, the class meeting this week was more efficient and I was impressed with their group project. They used computer well and the reports were clear and well-organized though the reporters were unavoidablely nervous. However, I expect their performance in the future because they do have potentials!

Last but not least, reading students' weekly diary may be the most direct and efficient way to get their feedback. I discovered some students have talents in drawing, writing and realized their anxiety and expectations toward their high school life. I was also impressed with Alice's reply to their various problems and feeling. Hope I can give students instant and useful suggestion and answers like Alice some day.


Blogger Alice said...

Well, Hedy,

"To discipline them strictly or not" is always a tough task for a "warm" and "kind" teacher like me. Believe it or not! I am still learning.

Of course, it is necessary to be assertive and let the students know how powerful the authority (a teacher) can be. It's just that when I try to turn myself into a demanding teacher, I have difficulty performing functionally, for the conflict arouses tension and spoils harmony. Even so, I would try to show my assertiveness during this week if they fail to follow my mild warning and instruction. Let's wait and see what would happen!! :-)

September 13, 2004 at 4:49 AM  
Blogger Hedy said...

Dear Alice,
Though I believe it's hard to make balance between "strict discipline" and "warm concern" for a teacher like you, I'm still surprised when knowing that you're still learning since you've been a teacher for almost 20 years. To be honest, I've been wondering if my personality is suitable for this occupation. After reading your post, I seem to become more confident, a little bit! :P

September 13, 2004 at 5:19 AM  

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