Sunday, September 19, 2004

When students didn't do their assignment...9/13-9/16

This Thursday, something happened in our class. When Alice asked students to take out their assignment and read the words they filled in the blanks, they were shocked and said that they didn't know they had this assignment. At that moment, I was shocked too because I was sure that they had this assignment. Alice talked to them in a serious voice and warned them not to make the same mistake again. Though Alice told me that she should have been more angry and taught the girls a lesson, I was impressed with Alice's reaction. If I were Alice, I wouldn't know how to deal with that situation. Being too mean tends to destroy the atmosphere, however, they may forget what the teacher says in class if no action was taken. come there are so many dilemmas! I DO respect all the teachers who can manage a class well....... I went back to NCTU on Friday and my advisor told us that "教學或許是門技術,但與學生間的互動,與同事的相處,已經是門藝術了!" I laughed but I totally agreed! :P


Blogger Alice said...

I always admire those teachers who can deal with conflicts better than I do, or those who can manage their class better than me. Believe me, no matter how experienced (old) teachers are, there are always new things and challenges waiting for them in their career.

September 28, 2004 at 3:15 AM  

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