Thursday, September 23, 2004

Weekly Journal (9/22)

This Monday, Alice said that I could take half of the weekly journals and correct them. I was shocked at first because I didn't know what remark I should make, however, I have to admit that I was excited about it.
I read all weekly journals first without writing anything on them. After thinking about their journals on my way home, taking a shower, and before listening to music when going to bed, I gave each of them some answers or my feedback the other day. I also used two of my favorite stamps, the tea dog, when correcting the weekly journals.
Most of the students mentioned their orientation last Sunday, it seems that each of them had a great time. Some mentioned the basketball games, others complained of too much homework. I found reading the weekly journals is one of the most direct ways to know how these girls feel and what they think, because some of them might to too shy to express themselves when having individual interview with Alice.
Finally, I wrote down some of my feedbacks or encouragements, hoping that they would feel being concerned after getting their weekly journals back.


Blogger Alice said...

Dear Hedy,

If I forgot to tell you this, let me confirm you that the feedbacks you give students on their W.J. are wonderful and appropriate. You are just like a big sister to them, and I am happy that some of them do seek help from you sometimes.

You are right about one thing: W.J. is one of the direct communication channels between Ts and Ss. As a young teacher before, I used to write A LOT when responding to students' writing. Now, even though I don't write as much, I try to give support and advice they need. I believe when Ts show their concern sincerely, they surely would understand and appreciate it. So, your love to them will be appreciated too.


October 5, 2004 at 6:41 AM  
Blogger Hedy said...

Dear Alice,
Thank you for your commend on my feedbacks to students on their W.J. I can imagine how much you used to write the first few years of being a teacher because even 20 years passed, you still write much today, and the stamps are fantastic!
Perhaps, the students in our class are very different from me because of their aptitude. Honestly, it's kind of challenging to me because all the students I tutored and taught before were more humanity-oriented. But I do agree that students would realized our love as long as teachers concern them sincerely. I'm still looking for the best way to get along with students because I want to be a teacher as well as a big sister to them at the same time~:) I don't know when I will succeed, but I'll keep trying~~~

October 5, 2004 at 8:12 PM  

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