Thursday, September 30, 2004

Some feebacks (9/30)

Dear Alice,
As you said, you usually try to win the parents' trust the first time you meet, and you were totally successful because on "School Day", some parents told me that they're glad their daughter can be in class Lian and I'm so lucky to have you as my mentor. I can't agree more!!!
After observing for one month, I did notice LOVE is the foundation of a teacher's passion. I do love my students, however, I've been searching for the best way to express my love. I used to be friends or an elder sister with my tutor students during college years. But I don't think the approach used in tutoring can be applied to a class with 30 students since we orders and disciplines in class. To "establish the authority" is not easy for a person who smiles too often like me, and I'm still trying to make it...But......It seems to be hard.......
The book Brave New World is written by Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963), the Chinese translation is 美麗新世界. The story is set in an ideal society, but unsettling, loveless and even sinister. Biotechnology is widely used to maintain the hierarchy to maintain the stability, and also to get rid of the mental pain. When I read this novel, the disturbing, and a little bit scaring, and definitely not joyful feelings were elicited. The feelings were opposite to my anticipation when seeing the tile and pick up the novel int he library. It contradicts to the notionally happy utopia of common people. If the cost of being "perfect" is to lose freedom, is it worthwhile? I think it's a book worth reading, and the novel is also available online: , also chapter summaries are available
Always have plan B in mind! I'll keep that in mind :) I'm also glad that my opinion is constructive.
I've known that we must have plan B in mind from my experience in conducting activities before. Honestly, it never occurs to me that a plan B is also needed in class. But Yes! It's required in class because it's impossible for a teacher to have 100% control in class. I remember when I took the "Education Certificate Program" in the first year, when a teacher knew that I'm interested in mass communication, she told me, "Being a teacher is somewhat like a worker in mass communication. How you attract students' attention and successfully convey the knowledge is the most important." To certain degree, I agree with her, but I think teachers have more responsibilites. Gee~~I'm starting to worry about my first teaching! I'd better figure out a plan B in case I lose control in class~~


Blogger Alice said...

Hi, Hedy,

Relax. I know you must be feeling anxious but also excited about the first ever "experimental" teaching on Oct.7. I am convinced that when teachers are well-prepared, things wouldn't go very far wrong. Don't forget to be "flexible." Then, even when Plan B is not available, improvisation helps to add spices to your teaching. We are not only communicators but also performers to a great extent, aren't we?

Now that you mention 美麗新世界, I remember reading it...25 years ago. Given the long time, I forgot what it is about and how I felt when reaing the story. Reviewing the novel might be of help for me to take some time away from "teaching."

Before the mid-terms, we will have more time to review what we have done in the English classes. I suggest you organize your observations on how a new unit was started, how vocabulary and the reading were presented, and how a unit was wrapped up, how it was evaluated in each unit. Besides keeping observations down, give your comments, thoughts and feedback if you want. This step can help you to see the whole picture of how a unit can be taught; it can also help you to organize the future lesson plans that you are going to write.

Teaching is challenging, but if you love it, it's all worth it. Believe me that you will love it after you try it.


October 5, 2004 at 7:15 AM  

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