Sunday, October 24, 2004

Am I too evil? (10/22)

Every Thursday, it's part of my duty in "administration intern" to collect all information from each offices, typed them, edit the files and made a complete version of "weekly report" for our office to assign to the class leader each Friday. This Thursday (10/21), the health check for freshmen was held, I happened to pass by the auditorium in the afternoon, and it was our class's turn. When they saw me, the check was about time to finish. I reminded them to offer help if necessary and left. To my surprise, 30 minutes later, I heard from the president that our students helped automatically. I typed the complement in the weekly report according to what the president said, however, I used the boldtype and underline the compliment on class Lian. The next day, the class leader was so excited to tell me that they were praised by the president and their "honorable behavior" was even reported in the weekly report. I felt happy and proud for them...but a little voice rising from the bottom of my heart...Am I too evil? :P


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