Sunday, October 10, 2004

Conference for high school teachers (10/2)

The conference for high school English teachers was held on 2nd, Oct. Though it was on the weekend, I was glad that I spared the whole day attending it. The speech I choose was the 1st, 4th and 6th. First, teacher Ruth Yeh shared her experience of promoting computer-assisted teaching in TFG. I had to admit that I got a little distracted because it's a general introduction of the situation, and I bet Alice must have faced the same situation when trying hard to spread the notion of "computer-assisted teaching" in our school 4 or 5 years ago. But I was totally impressed by teacher Hsieh's presentation even though I was her student before. Just like everyone in the audience seat, I respect her well-organized "training" for students. In addition, she combined her class management job as a homeroom teacher with English teaching, just as what Alice did. I do admire this pattern and I believe as a teacher, I should help them in other aspects in addition to English learning. Besides, the sharing of the four new teachers was so useful, but I did feel the pressure of competition in this job. As to the last speech of teacher Ning from TFG, I was glad to know our students are members of "iwill", they can use the resource available. However, I believe it's not an easy job to spread the website to all high schools because of the ability of students and the equipment of each school. As far as I know, some young teachers feel frustrated because they can not apply the new method they learned from school to real teaching, and also, students' ability are not as good as those in CS. However, it's still a good goal and direction for English education to move to, but in my opinion, it DOES take time! So, I benefited much from the conference, thanks for holding this conference, it's has been the most impressive since I attended after becoming a student teacher.


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