Saturday, November 13, 2004

The 2nd class-vocabulary teaching (11/2)

According to my lesson plan,I taught vocabulary of this unit in the 2nd class. In the beginning of class, I asked students to answer the three questions in their homework. First, compare the difference between hypermarket, supermarket, convenient store and grocery store. Second, do you agree that supermarket should be blamed? Third, think of other slogans for supermarket besides "Pile it high; sell it low." In the first class勤, I just threw the three questions to students, however, they seemed to have a hard time answering right to the point. Therefore, Alice suggested me to instruct students to compare hypermarket, supermarket, grocery store and convenient store in three aspects: price, space and the variety of products available. Students in class 廉 and 捷 could get the answer I want immediately according to the hint. I realized that we teachers should give students DIRECT and CLEAR instructions, and if possible, some hints because after all, the students are freshman in high school. The more teacher guides them, the easier they reach the target we set for them. Then, I introduced the positive and negative discussion about supermarkets. I heard the murmuring from certain students, they couldn't understand why this kind of topic would evoke so many discussions in European countries. After class, I found perhaps I'm too greedy because according to my personal experience, the ability of "critical thinking" is really important and helpful for everyone. However, it has been neglected for a long time. Even myself was trained after going to college, being an Enlish major student. Therefore, I intended to introduce the notion in my teaching. I could tell students had a hard time dealing with these open questions because over half students didn't do their homework in each class. To be honest, I felt a little discouraged at that moment, but I don't think I'll give up the training in my experimental teaching in the future. But perhaps I'll slow down the pace and guide them step by step next time. As to vocabulary teaching, I found when I kept lecturing on stage without asking them to write on the blackboard, students seemed to get bored and distracted. Therefore, in the other two classes, I picked students to write on stage and leave more time for asking questions, giving students the chance to share what they've found. The situation turned to be better. I have to keep Alice's advice in mind: I don't have to explain EVERY DETAIL for our students! I should have more confidence in their preview. Besides, I found time management is really important. I didn't manage the time well because I spent more than 1/3 of the whole class dealing with the open questions, and didn't have enough time to teach vocabulary thoroughly. The side dish takes over the place of main dish, which was a serious mistakes happened in my teaching on the 2nd day. Though feeling depressed on the 2nd day, I knew I had more important things to do-to prepare better for the following classes and try to improve myself from the poor teaching method.


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