Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thank you dear Alice!! (11/10)

Dear Alice, I'd like to show my most and SINCERE gratitude to you! First of all, you were so considerate to reply my last post the day right before I started my first teaching of unit. Though I didn't read that in time, I still felt highly encouraged when reading your reply. I know it's a little bit strange for me to post my feedback of the last day first, but I have to do it now because I was extremely touched today. To my surprise, you asked students to give a big hand to me in the very end of the class, honestly, I felt like crying and you seemed to know exactly what's in my mind. I was a little bit confused becuase a student came to me and asked why do I have so many activities for them; she has been under great pressure since going to high school. I tried to convince her but after leaving the classroom, I asked myself, "Should I rearrange the schedule of this lesson plan?" "Should I delete some activities?" But after watching their presentation today, I was surprised with their creativity and found that they did more than I expected. I agree what you told them in the very end, it's the right decision to give them the chance to express themselves on stage. We never know we have the potential until we take action and do it. Thank you for supporting me in every aspect! I'll keep posting my feedbacks of the past two weeks in the following days. But I have to thank you for giving me the chance to teach on stage, tolerant my mistakes in teaching and trust me totally! I have to admit that in the first two days, I felt nervous when seeing you in the back of classroom, but later on, whenever I saw you sitting in the back and observing my teaching, I felt encouraged, inspired and touched. :)


Blogger Alice said...

Dear Hedy,

It might seem to be confusing when we don't do the replying chronogically. So, I hope you can see this posting anyway.

Again, I think it benefited both sides for you to teach and for me to observe. We become more sympathetic. After you experienced all of this, now you know how tough it is to be a teacher. As for me, I learn to see things from students' angle. So, I am thankful for having you as my partner.

Secondly, even though I try not to err, it is natural to make mistakes. Does it make me a "lousy" teacher when I make mistakes? I would rather not think so. I have learned take it in stride, and I learn from my mistakes. I think it is a quality of "reflective teaching."

So I see the reflective quality in you. This blogger serves as a very good platform for us to reflect on our teaching, which "force" us to look back on what we have done and to make progress accordingly.

And then, you'll perform better next time. No doubt of it.

December 4, 2004 at 7:49 PM  

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