Monday, November 15, 2004

The 6th class in Unit8-Slogans! (11/9)

In order to reduce students' pressure and give them more time for preparation, in the 6th class, I prepared an extension activity and spare time for them to write the exercise in 百寶書 in class. The extension activity I had designed included the introduction to marketing, the strategies marketing specialist use to attract the attention of target customers, including slogan, package design, celebrity endorsement and exposure to the media. However, due to the limit of time, I extracted the slogan part because I found students had most difficulties with slogans from their group discussion the day before. Therefore, I introduced the definition, purpose and main spirit of slogan. Some impressive slogans were mentioned to attract students' attention in class. After the 20-minute activity, I left 30 minutes for them to finish Unit8 in 百寶書. The common problem they had was the usage of conditional clause, even if. Since conditional clause is the most significant part in unit7, Alice was so generous that she agreed to teach that for me.
After this class, I was surprisingly found myself not nervous and panic when standing on stage. I think it's a positive sign, at least, keep my mind calm and clear is necessary for me to convey what's in my mind to the students. Besides, always come up with some tips to make students concentrated in class is important. When I asked them to write down the new words in their notebook, their attitude changed suddenly. I could tell they take the extension activity serious after hearing my requirement. Since there were only two things I needed to do in class today, therefore, the time management was much better. :)


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