Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My first teaching in the new semester! (3/2)

This morning, I had my first teaching in the new semester. To be honest, I was extreme depressed when I lost my voice in the end of semester last year. Thank Alice for covering Unit 2 for me when the new semester started, I felt guilty that I didn't teach, but I needed time to have my voice back.
Luckily, when it's my turn to teach, my voice came back. However, I did feel nervous and didn't sleep well last night because I haven't taught for a long time. After knowing that 姚老師 would come to my class, I thought of returning the class to you. But I found your insist was correct, I should train myself to teach the same no matter who's sitting in the back of my classroom.
Today, the warm-activities worked smoothly. But at the very beginning, students had a hard time explaining what happened in the comic strip. I'll keep giving them chances to speak out in class because I think it's as important as the ability of writing.


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