Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Words from a teacher in Chiayi...(12/1)

About two weeks ago, I went back to Hsinchu for the regular monthly meeting. This time, the school invited some former students who are teachers now to share their experience with us. During lunch time, the English teacher from Chiayi kept reminding us the importance of computer-assisted teaching. More specifically, she told us that there are some useful tools attached with the textbook. She recommended us to make good use of the powerpoint of San-Min version. I was so excited and said that I know the teacher who came up with so many creative extension activities. She was surprised and asked, "You mean Alice Chiu? You know Alice Chiu?" I replied, "Yes, because she's my advisor." She asked me to bring her words back to Taipei and tell you that, "Thanks for providing us such useful tools. We've benefited a lot from them." Though the compliments were not on me, I felt EXTREMELY proud and excited!! Hahaha~~~:)


Blogger Alice said...

Dear Hedy,

While some teachers appreciate the PPT slides that come with the textbooks, I myself don't like those works very much now. When I produced the slides, I wasn't teaching the lessons, of course. Now, when I am really teaching them, I find some of the PowerPoint slides are not so interesting. Luckily, the time contraints give me a very good excuse not to use them very often.

When I was at the stage of producing a lot of slides for my own use, I hoped that some publishers could provide such service to save my time and energy. So, when San-min came to me and invited me to join their team, I said YES. I agreed to make the PPT's because I really wanted to help those teachers who want to use PPT but don't know how to start. But ironically, I am a teacher who would like to create or organize my own materials no matter what comes along with the textbook. Now, when I teach, I even have to revise the PPT in San-min if I really want to use them. Isn't it interesting? Anyway, I'm glad that the slides are useful for some teachers. And I'm happy to be the source of your pride and happiness too. Ha! Ha!


January 24, 2005 at 9:55 AM  

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