Monday, November 15, 2004

The 7th class in Unit8 - presentation day (11/10)

The last class in Unit8 was the presentation day. Each group had 3 minutes to promote their product or service on stage. In all of the three classes, students were busy discussing about their presentation when I walked into the classroom. Therefore, though I don't like to do it, I found myself speaking in a loud voice AGAIN! When they were all back to the seat, I passed the reflection form and explained what they had to do. After that, I gave them 5 minutes for final preparation. Almost each group presented more than 3 minutes, but I didn't interrupt them because I did enjoy their presentation and thought it would have been discouraging if I had stopped their presentation. To my surprise, their performance was terrific! They did much more than I expected. In the very end, I almost burst into teacher when Alice asked students to show their gratitude to me. At that moment, I felt so touched because I was the one who should say thanks! Thanks for Alice's trust and instruction, for students cooperation though my teaching was full of mistakes! :P


Blogger Alice said...

After going through the process of teaching a lesson, you have the very reason to feel proud and fulfilled. I think you did a pretty job and you deserve students' admiration and gratitude.

And probably, now you have more symphathy for the front-line teachers than ever. See how much time you spent on all the preprations, from planning the lesson to designing activities. And don't forget the time you spent preparing the delivery methods. Every decision we teachers make has direct impacts on students' learning. This makes teaching pretty complicated a job, doesn't it? I am happy that you have experienced them all and that you did it well. I bet you'll do even better next time when you teach a new unit.

November 28, 2004 at 7:56 PM  

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