Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Some reflections for myself after the first teaching

After the two-week teaching, I'm taking a short break and have a chance to re-examine my own teaching. Following are some points I have to keep in mind and remind myself not making the same mistakes next time. 1.Time management-it is really important especially in the intensive schedule in high school. I should not take students' break time and it's my responsibility to be able to finish what I plan to teach in the class. Therefore, I'll try my best to control the time better. 2."Student-centered" method is more effective and beneficial than "teacher-centered" approach. But I have to admit student-centered approach takes more effort and time to prepare. So I'd better start prepare for the lessons earlier in the future. 3.Clear and direct instructions- no matter it's a big project or even a small homework, clear and direct instructions are needed. Students' potential can be evoked if they know exactly what their tasks are. 4.Attention catching in class- do have eye contact with EACH student in class and try to "bring them back to class" by various ways, such as asking questions. 5.Never forget the "visual aids"- during my teaching, I tended to forget how important visual aids can be at times. 6.Don't forget I'm talking to "students"-both Yu-ming and Hui-chuan had the same suggestion- I spoke too fast and the words I used in class were too difficult for my students. Therefore, I'd better think what I want to say in class in advance in case students' have a hard time understanding my talking. Because I have to keep in mind, the audience are high school students, not my classmates who listen to my presentation in college! 7.Prepare all the handouts and quiz sheet in advance- if I can prepare everything, including the handouts and quiz sheet in advance, then the same mistakes of handing a totally wrong answer of vocabulary quiz and making Alice embarrassed won't happen again. I felt really guilty about that. :( Here are the 7 points I concluded so far from the reflections I made for myself. I'd like you to give me advice if I miss anything. I'll be more than willing to know and try to correct these mistakes in my teaching next time!


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