Sunday, December 12, 2004

Joy's second class (12/7)

Due to my request, I went to Joy's class again. Since students already had background knowledge, the teacher first played two songs from the Phantom of the Opera and moved right to the reading of unit 10. Again, PPT was used during the class. According to my observation, besides the frequency of using PPT, the most different part was that Joy taught the vocabulary, grammar along with the reading text, but I prefer to teach them separately. After going to her class twice, I found that her teaching style is very different from mine. However, I don't think I'll follow her way. One of the main reasons is that I don't have the skill to do that fancy powerpoint. And the other is that though I've never learned the TESOL theory formally, in my opinion, computer should play an "assisted role" in CAI but not the main part of teaching. So to me, I'd spare most of my time creating some extension activities or small games to give students more opportunities to explore themselves. But I think it's great to have the chance to listen to other teachers' class as well as Alice's class. I'm also thinking to record myself when I teach again in Jan because that's the most direct and efficient way for me to know where my flaws are. I believe that as a teacher, I can teach my students something more at the same time when I teach them English. I've always been thinking what I can give my students and I know it will take a long time for me to get a definite and clear answer! But that's the experience I must have before knowing what kind of teacher I want to be, right? :)


Blogger Alice said...

Dear Hedy,

It's great that you also think it important to teach students something else besides teaching them English. And I agree that computers can only play a minor part or work as a teaching tool rather than the main role in the classroom. What's more important than teachers' using computer is students' knowledge and skills of combining their language learning with technology. This is a teaching goal of my language teaching, as you might have noticed. But I have to admit that probably three years ago, I relied on PPT presentations very much and used them extensively. I was even awarded a trophy entitled "PowerPoint King" from one of my graduate classes two years ago! I am glad that I grew out of the PPT-oriented stage and move on! But I appreciate every different stage in my career because they help form what I am now.


January 24, 2005 at 10:06 AM  

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