Thursday, September 30, 2004

Some feebacks (9/30)

Dear Alice,
As you said, you usually try to win the parents' trust the first time you meet, and you were totally successful because on "School Day", some parents told me that they're glad their daughter can be in class Lian and I'm so lucky to have you as my mentor. I can't agree more!!!
After observing for one month, I did notice LOVE is the foundation of a teacher's passion. I do love my students, however, I've been searching for the best way to express my love. I used to be friends or an elder sister with my tutor students during college years. But I don't think the approach used in tutoring can be applied to a class with 30 students since we orders and disciplines in class. To "establish the authority" is not easy for a person who smiles too often like me, and I'm still trying to make it...But......It seems to be hard.......
The book Brave New World is written by Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963), the Chinese translation is 美麗新世界. The story is set in an ideal society, but unsettling, loveless and even sinister. Biotechnology is widely used to maintain the hierarchy to maintain the stability, and also to get rid of the mental pain. When I read this novel, the disturbing, and a little bit scaring, and definitely not joyful feelings were elicited. The feelings were opposite to my anticipation when seeing the tile and pick up the novel int he library. It contradicts to the notionally happy utopia of common people. If the cost of being "perfect" is to lose freedom, is it worthwhile? I think it's a book worth reading, and the novel is also available online: , also chapter summaries are available
Always have plan B in mind! I'll keep that in mind :) I'm also glad that my opinion is constructive.
I've known that we must have plan B in mind from my experience in conducting activities before. Honestly, it never occurs to me that a plan B is also needed in class. But Yes! It's required in class because it's impossible for a teacher to have 100% control in class. I remember when I took the "Education Certificate Program" in the first year, when a teacher knew that I'm interested in mass communication, she told me, "Being a teacher is somewhat like a worker in mass communication. How you attract students' attention and successfully convey the knowledge is the most important." To certain degree, I agree with her, but I think teachers have more responsibilites. Gee~~I'm starting to worry about my first teaching! I'd better figure out a plan B in case I lose control in class~~

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Weekly Journal (9/22)

This Monday, Alice said that I could take half of the weekly journals and correct them. I was shocked at first because I didn't know what remark I should make, however, I have to admit that I was excited about it.
I read all weekly journals first without writing anything on them. After thinking about their journals on my way home, taking a shower, and before listening to music when going to bed, I gave each of them some answers or my feedback the other day. I also used two of my favorite stamps, the tea dog, when correcting the weekly journals.
Most of the students mentioned their orientation last Sunday, it seems that each of them had a great time. Some mentioned the basketball games, others complained of too much homework. I found reading the weekly journals is one of the most direct ways to know how these girls feel and what they think, because some of them might to too shy to express themselves when having individual interview with Alice.
Finally, I wrote down some of my feedbacks or encouragements, hoping that they would feel being concerned after getting their weekly journals back.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Having English Class in The Computer Classroom (9/20)

This Monday, Alice asked students from three classes went to the computer classroom in order to show them how to use online dictionary and get the reading list from the website "I Will". I could feel students' excitement to have English class in the computer classroom, just as I used to be in high school. However, that caused a big problem for maintaing the order in the classroom and attracting every student's attention. Though the situation became better and better after the first class, 捷, Alice adviced me to think if there is any better way to solve this problem.
If it's my turn to conduct the class in the computer classroom, I would certainly check if all facilities work because some functions could help me control the order in class. Also, I'd follow what Alice did in class, to ask students sit according to their numbers. In this way, I could tell who's not paying attention immdeiately. However, I would not ask them to turn on their computer right after entering the classroom. Instead, I would show them the instructions of handout step by step, after making sure that students understand everything printed in the handout, I'd leave 10-15 minutes for them to turn on the computer and try those steps themselves. They are allowed to ask questions whenever they have problems during their trying. And if they have no prblems, they are also allowed to surf on the internet since there is not much time left anyway. In addition, I'd assign homework related to the materials used during that class to test if they really get what they should know after that class!
I believe there must be better and more efficient way to deal with the situation, I'll keep think about it. But I still think it's important and indespensable to integrate computer technology with English teaching today, I'd try to do that in my trial teaching this year though it may cause the "disorder and chaos" during class~ :P

Sunday, September 19, 2004

When students didn't do their assignment...9/13-9/16

This Thursday, something happened in our class. When Alice asked students to take out their assignment and read the words they filled in the blanks, they were shocked and said that they didn't know they had this assignment. At that moment, I was shocked too because I was sure that they had this assignment. Alice talked to them in a serious voice and warned them not to make the same mistake again. Though Alice told me that she should have been more angry and taught the girls a lesson, I was impressed with Alice's reaction. If I were Alice, I wouldn't know how to deal with that situation. Being too mean tends to destroy the atmosphere, however, they may forget what the teacher says in class if no action was taken. come there are so many dilemmas! I DO respect all the teachers who can manage a class well....... I went back to NCTU on Friday and my advisor told us that "教學或許是門技術,但與學生間的互動,與同事的相處,已經是門藝術了!" I laughed but I totally agreed! :P

Back to Hsinchu (9/17)

September 17th was the first time that all student -teachers from NCTU went back to Hsinchu for the monthly meeting. This meeting was originally scheduled on September 24th, however, it was changed because there was a conference, 九年一貫課程教育研習會議, held on that day. The topic itself was not very attractive to me because we have listened to all the "official descriptions" of this plan for several years and found it difficult to practice in real teaching. However, some points from the speakers on that day impressed me.
Besides introducing the basic beliefs in the plan, one speaker also reported the difficulties the authority has faced. One of the biggest problem is from parents. The more parents know about the plan of educational revolution, the harder for the authority to perform it because opinions against the revolustion would appear certainly. It recalles me of what I read in the paper Alice handed to me, saying that frequent, close contact with parents is helpful for first year teachers. Therefore, how to establish a good interaction with parents is important. The Parents' Day is coming next Friday, though I'm not the real homeroom teacher, I feel expected and nervous. But I'm sure meeting the parents will help me understand my students better for sure.
Also, another saying that impressed me is from the book Brave New World, meaning that the cost of more perfection is less freedom. However, in my opinion, principles play a important role in teenage development. How to balance certain belief again the other belief has been confused me. I'm still trying hard to find the board line by observing.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Class management-The week after orientation (9/6-9/10)

This week was the second week of school, that is to say, "official orientation" was finished and students should get more used to the environment.

According to what I observed in our class, they definitely did!
First, Alice interviewed more than ten students individually during this week. I realized that Alice took a nice and friendly attitude, which was like a firend or sister but not teacher, toward students when talking to them. Students seemed to feel relaxed and were willing to express their ideas. To be honest, I've been considering what attitude I should take since becoming a student-teacher in July. Because when dealing with the "sanitary issue" such as garbage cleaning, floor sweeping during summer vacation, students tended to lazy and ignore their responsibility if they found the teacher who took charge of them was not strong and tough enough. But I also know that high students want teachers can be their friends (that was what I want in high school too), therefore, how to make balance between the two attitude has been a delimma for me and I haven't got the answer :(

As I mentioned, the official orientation was finished and students got more familiar with each other. However, they started to talk in the morning session after 7:30, forgot to do the cleaning job and some violated the school regulation of apperance. Alice took a democratic attitude to inform them that in the class meeting, and I'll keep an eye on them thogh I wouldn't take action because I think it's another important issue they have to learn in high school - to be responsible for themselves!

Besides, the class meeting this week was more efficient and I was impressed with their group project. They used computer well and the reports were clear and well-organized though the reporters were unavoidablely nervous. However, I expect their performance in the future because they do have potentials!

Last but not least, reading students' weekly diary may be the most direct and efficient way to get their feedback. I discovered some students have talents in drawing, writing and realized their anxiety and expectations toward their high school life. I was also impressed with Alice's reply to their various problems and feeling. Hope I can give students instant and useful suggestion and answers like Alice some day.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Lesson1 was finished (9/6-9/10)

This week, lesson one was finished.
On Monday, Alice used powerpoint to test if students memorize all vocabulary in Lesson1. It was creative and interesting. Students became more involved and eager to speak out the answer loudly. Take our class 廉 for example, most of them explained the meaning after a word was projected on the screen, and they made interesting and grammatically correct sentences with certain new words assigned by Alice. I did enjoy the interaction in that class. However, I also realized that some students may feel frustrated when they could not reply to the questions as quickly as others. They may felt frustrated. Besides, in another class, students were not as active as those in class 廉. I found that only certain students kept answering Alice's questions and Alice didn't ask them to creat sentences by certain words in the very end. Therefore, I kept considering if there's any possivle solution to encourage all students to open their mouth, however, I haven't reached the conclusion and still need more observation.
As to the Reading in textbook, instead of introducing the paragraphs line by line, Alice played the CD first. Students were instructed to close their books and answer basic questions according to what they listened. To my surprise, they had no difficulties in answering all questions. Perhaps that was because they previewed those paragraphs the night before, but that was still a good start! After they understood the main topic of those paragraphes, they looked up idioms and phrases in those paragraphs as assignment. The importance of dictionary was emphasized AGAIN, which was an important ides I completely agree with. Therefore, when students asked me questions about new words, I didn't tell them directly if I found they could easily get the answer from the dictionary.
In the last part of Lesson1, the song "Don't worry, be happy" was played. At first, I thought students would be asked to fill in blanks between lyrics. But they didn't, they were instructed to listen to the main idea the composer tried to convey, and reconsider to their own situation. I think it would make students feel more relaxed and enjoy the song because when I was a student, I myself felt NERVOUS and couldn't really enjoy songs when teachers asked us to fill in the blanks.
Besides, students seemd to "suffer from" the reading comprehension quiz on Thursday though still sereval ones got good grades. Therefore, the reading project will be challenging for them. I am looking forward to see their reaction to the reading project, hopefully, they'll feel it interesting!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Class management (8/30-9/3)

I still remeber for every English major student who participated in the "Education Certificate Program" in college, our professors kept reminding us that "class management" is extremely important! All of us will be homeroom teachers becuase Enlish is one of the major subjects no matter in junior high or high school. Though I've read some theories from textbooks, I have no practical experience and no idea of how to apply those theories to real class management.

I've recorded some impressive points Alice did in class management for the past week. First,Alice remembered all students' names in such a short time. That's exactly what the professor taught us to do. I'm still trying my best to remeber their Chinese names along with English names at this moment.

Second, during the morning session and lunch break time, Alice spent about 10-15 minutes with the students. Though I felt myself a little stupid to walk around in the classroom without knowing what to say to them, I realized that students started to be ask me questions or smiled when I walked inside the classroom. Actually, the reason for me to show up everyday was simple, I just wanted to let them know that "You are all welcomed to come to teachers if you have any problems." I can still remeber how excited, eager and nervous I was when going to high school!

Third, Alice assigned group project to everyone in the class. The six topics were interesting and helped them to know the new environments and classmates as soon as possible. Alice was so considerate and reminded me to prepare the data which students may have difficulties finding.

Fourth, students were instructed to write down their most proud and troubled thing. In English listening class, they played a game which was especially designed to help them memorize the names since the election would be held the next day.
I'm impressed with Alice's thoughtfulness from the observations I had last week. I expect myself can be that considerate and careful when dealing with students' events in the future.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Surprising and interesting classes!

At the very beginning of the first sentence in the first posting of my journal, I have to admit that I was extremely excited when knowing who's my teacher for sure on Tuesday. After listening to some classes for three days, I felt very excited and following are some interesting points I found in class.
First, I'm impressed with the first English class. Teacher Alice clearly listed things students need to have for English class on the blackboard; but in addition to these materials, heart and mind was especially emphasized. Yes! The attitude is the most important factor in learning English. It recalled me how I became interested in English many years ago and I could tell that some students felt excited about their fresh-new high school life.
Second, many group discussions were held, which helped to develop the ability of critical thinking, effective notetaking and group cooperation. Students were also asked to sign a contract of three goals they hope to achieve in English this semester, the strategies they plan to use. The contract reminded them to be responsible for themselves. Personally, I favor this activity because these skills are important not only to academic subjects at school, but also to the development of their personality and characteristics.
Third, the self check form reveals another important topic they have to learn in high school - time management. It's impossible for someone to work and study effectively without good time management. To be honest, that's something I have to learn as a teacher. I found that I've been always busy and running out of time since I came to be a student teacher in July. :(
Fourth, the warm-up games played in the beginning of classes were interesting. Most important, they were relevant to the topic Teacher Alice wanted to introduce in that class. Therefore, I think I have to consider what the main idea I want to express to students whenever I design some games or activities later.
Finally, I was surprised to see how Alice examine students' understanding of new words by using powerpoint. It's more interesting, but I found it's more competitive as well though the teacher kept saying that it's not a competition. I have to admit that when Singing came to me after class and cried because she couldn't answer as quickly as others, I was shocked. I tried to comfort her, however, I had no idea whether I did it right or wrong.
By the way, I finally figured out why no one asked me questions after my self-introduction in the first class. I SPEAK TOO FAST! Students hoped Teacher Alice could speak slowly, therefore, I HAVE TO remind myself to slow my speaking rate! If I found that no one understand what I speak in class, I'd definitely feel frustrated.
I have to admit that I'm still nervous and hard to believe that I AM a teacher now! I have so many things to learn and I know that it would definitely be stressful and bothering to teach a "student-teacher" in addition to students! Thank you very much and nice to meet both of you!